Web Design

Website Design, Amazon Content, & Product Imagery

Website Design

I’ve created a large volume of web assets for Highlights.com, including homepage imagery, secondary page assets, and hundreds of product images. Highlights refreshed their homepage imagery on a weekly cadence at the time, so it was imperative to immediately catch shoppers’ eyes so they continue through the site, and also meet them where they are at that exact moment in the season and shopping experience.

Amazon Content

Highlights for Children continues to grow their presence on Amazon.com to keep up with customer trends and increase brand awareness. I’ve created a very large number of assets for Highlights’ product pages within Amazon, offering shoppers a deep-dive on the product further down the page. It’s important here to offer the customer imagery that will entice them to look deeper at the product and stay engaged, yet help inform their decision to follow through with a purchase.

Product Imagery

This year, I’ve taken on the responsibility of executing all product photo carousel imagery on Highlights.com and Amazon.com for this year’s product launches. This amounts to hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of assets per month in order to keep up with seasonal priorities and batched development flights. I frequently attend these product photoshoots, sometimes with child models to capture on-figure imagery, and assist in direction and concept development for each shot. I then make photo selections, retouch as needed, and add design elements that best showcase the product’s physical features, benefits to the child, and unique attributes. Images are exported to adhere to differing Highlights.com and Amazon.com best-practices. I’ve also worked diligently to update outdated, existing imagery to our current strategy for a cohesive look and shopping experience.


Email Design


Social Media Design